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Header image for article NAB 2017: Sound Devices MixPre-3 and MixPre-6

NAB 2017: Sound Devices MixPre-3 and MixPre-6

In this video, I’m joined by Jon Tatooles of Sound Devices to discuss their newly announced audio recorders, the MixPre-3 and MixPre-6. These recorders were designed with camera operators in mind, with a perfect combination of quality inputs and a simple to use interface. The main differences between the units involve the number of inputs and resulting channel record capabilities.

The MixPre-3 features three XLR combo jacks and one 3.5mm AUX/Mic-in, for a total of 3 possible tracks of audio plus a stereo mix, all sampled at up to 96kHz at 24-bits. The MixPre-6 has an additional XLR input, bringing the total to four, as well as a 3.2mm AUX/Mic-in, for a total of 6 possible tracks of audio plus a stereo mix, all sampled at up to 192kHz at 24-bits. Both units record polyphonic WAV files to affordable SD media, anything at least Class 10 should be sufficient. The chassis is constructed of die cast aluminum, with Gorilla Glass protecting the touchscreen for the same truly rugged, production-ready feel we’re used to from Sound Devices’ higher-end models.

Both models feature newly designed pre-amps and a 32-bit analog-to-digital converter, resulting in around 120dBs of dynamic range. The recorders come with a four slot AA battery tray, but Sound Devices also offers an eight AA tray option, as well as a Sony L-Series solution. The four slot AA tray will provide power to the MixPre-3 and MixPre-6 for about two and a half hours using NiMH batteries. The units can also be powered from USB. The AUX/Mic inputs on both MixPre-3 and MixPre-6 serve several useful purposes. The 3.5mm port can be configured to function as either a Camera Return, Plug-in-Power mic input, a two-channel Line In, or, perhaps most usefully, a timecode input. Watch the video above to learn more.

Ian McCausland
Technology Specialist, AbelCine LA


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