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Header image for article At the Bench: A Closer Look at ARRI's Lightweight Matteboxes

At the Bench: A Closer Look at ARRI's Lightweight Matteboxes

Recently, I had a chance to take a closer look at a few of the latest offerings from ARRI Pro Camera Accessories. In this video, I explore the versatility and functionality of the ARRI Lightweight Mattebox LMB 4x5 as well as the 138mm Diopter Frame and 138mm Diopter Stage. There is also a LMB 6x6 version available for 6” filtration that is very similar to the LMB 4x5 as both were designed for extreme modularity at minimum weight.

For example, as shown in the video, both matteboxes feature Allen screws that allow you to modify the height alignment or the horizontal alignment, which is extremely helpful so you have the ability to quickly adjust to your configuration. In addition, the matteboxes feature new locking mechanisms to ensure your filtration stays put in real-world production situations. Both matteboxes can also be easily converted from a clip-on to a swing-away with one additional toolless part. They have the ability to be configured with the number of filter stages desired, and you can add clamp on adaptors ranging from 80mm to 165mm.

In terms of diopter accessories, ARRI PCA offers many new solutions, including Diopter Adapter 138mm to 4.5", Diopter Adapter 6" to 138mm, 6” Diopter Frame, and 6” Diopter Stage.

Megan Donnelly
Director of Production Services, AbelCine

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