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At AbelCine, we believe in the power of the moving image to evoke, enlighten and inspire

We understand the dedication and craft that goes into creating compelling visual media, as well as the technology and tools required to bring your project to life. Our company has evolved over the years, but we've always maintained our focus on service and a love of visual storytelling.


Today, the influence of cinema can be seen everywhere. The latest digital tools allow you to produce cinematic imagery at the highest technical and creative standards: emotionally resonant content that crosses all genres—narrative, documentary, live events—and is viewed on screens of all sizes. Staying on top of the technology, the shifts in the industry, and how to bring them together can be a challenge. That's why we're here. To figure it all out and be a resource you can draw on, while you focus on creating compelling visual media.

Technology Focus
Technology Focus

We specialize in camera systems, optics, lighting, broadcast, and virtual production.


We can help identify the best technology to meet your creative, technical and budgetary objectives.

Tap into our talent
Tap into our talent

Our team possesses a unique combination of technical, creative, and business capabilities.


We love what we do, and we're ready to share our expertise and insight with you.

Join Our Team
Join Our Team

We always have an eye out for motivated, like-minded people who want to grow with us.


Check out the job openings and internships currently available in our three locations.

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