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Header image for article At the Bench: TVLogic's WonderLookPro

At the Bench: TVLogic's WonderLookPro

WonderLookPro is an on-set color grading program from TVLogic that is used in conjunction with their IS-miniX LUT box.

The IS-miniX interprets the commands from WonderLookPro and applies changes in the look to a monitor. These changes can be saved in memory and exported for numerous post production applications. WonderLookPro works in ACES (Academy Color Encoding System). In this blog, I give a brief overview of how ACES works and how it has been integrated into WonderLookPro.

Ian McCausland
Technology Specialist, AbelCine LA


Intro image for article Testing the New TVLogic F-7H HDR Monitor in the Field
Tutorials & Guides
I was excited to get my hands on the new TVLogic F-7H 7” HDR Field Monitor, having read about its 1920x1080 resolution display and extremely powerful backlight. In fact, the F-7H boasts an eye-watering 3,600 NIT maximum brightness that makes it the brightest 7" screen on the market right now, besting TVLogic’s previous models by over 1,000 NITs.