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Header image for article Monitor Calibration 101

Monitor Calibration 101

Engineer Ben Meadors talks monitor calibrations – from why you should be doing them, to how they’re performed, to how often you should perform them. A properly calibrated monitor is the key to ensuring you will see the most accurate colors.

As Ben mentions in his video, AbelCine offers professional monitor calibration services, as well as in-depth monitor calibration training if you’re interested in learning more.

Watch the video above to learn more, and let us know in the comments if you have any other questions!

Ben Meadors


Intro image for article How to Properly Calibrate Your HD Viewfinder or Monitor
Tutorials & Guides
While most cameras provide exposure tools like waveform monitors and zebras, having a properly calibrated monitor or viewfinder serves as an additional means to quickly determine exposure - something that is especially useful in run & gun situations. In addition to helping you gauge exposure, a calibrated monitor also gives you a way to check for color accuracy and can help in making color decisions.