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RG204 Virtual: Skin Tone and Digital Makeup
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RG204 Virtual: Skin Tone and Digital Makeup

This hands on virtual class will cover creative techniques for grading skin tones using the latest Resolve software. Taught by Warren Eagles, the class will mix software operation with real world grading tips and tricks.


This is a hands on creative class that concentrates on grading skin tones. We will look at why skin is difficult to color and why we always question our ability to get skin ‘just right’.

Matching will be an important part of this RG204 class, as a badly matched skin tone is one of the first things a client will notice.

Sample footage will be used in each lesson, which you can it keep for your own practice. Here is an example of what that footage will include:

1. Mixed skin and beauty type commercial footage.

- Great for doing very soft/mist type looks and blemish removal using the Resolve OFX.

2. A branded content spot that was shot on a RED and a SONY A7S.

- The star of the film is also the CEO and the client, making things a little more tricky.

3. A Courtroom scene shot on multiple cameras with different ISO and Color temp settings.

4. A drama grading challenge

5. Matching an interview sequence shot on a RED, BMD Pocket, Sony, and iPhone 11. This is not an easy grade.

Warren will also address how to deal with the different challenges presented by each sequence. Students then get the chance to do the same. This grading challenge can also be finished after class then uploaded to Frame.io for review by Warren. Reviewing, class discussion, and feedback is a major part of this class. It will simulate what a real grading project with clients is like.

Students are also encouraged to bring their own footage to work on and share with the class.

You will learn

  • Commercial skin tones
  • Shaping faces
  • Feature enhancement or de enhancement
  • Blending highlights
  • Color constancy
  • Perfect skin in different cultures
  • Natural and false skin color
  • Managing makeup and blemishes with Resolve OFX plugins



Warren has been coloring for 30 years and has been using Resolve since 2005. He co founded the International Colorist Academy in 2009 and now splits his time between grading and teaching. Warren is based in Brisbane Australia where he owns and operates his own Color grading shop.

Frequently asked questions

What equipment will I need?

  1. A laptop or desktop PC or MAC capable of running the latest DaVinci Resolve software. Resolve is a good bench mark for the type of machine needed.
  2. 2 monitors are preferred but not essential. This means you can have your software on 1 monitor and the instructor on the other.
  3. A headphone set and microphone is essential.
  4. Check that you have a steady reliable Internet connection. 
  5. Ability to download 15GB of training footage.


We run a pre-class flight check for each student before the class begins.


How will I get the training footage and supporting documents?  

A week before your class you’ll receive a download link. This will enable you to be confident and comfortable of your setup before the class begins.

Can I keep the training footage after the class?

Yes. Media and any handouts can be used to progress your learning.

Will I get a recording of the class?

Yes. All classes are recorded and distributed as soon as we can.

Are the ICA virtual classes certified like the classroom?

Yes, you will receive a digital ICA certificate.

Can I still become an ICA member?

Yes, you will be able to get your bio on the ICA website and will have access to discounts from the sponsors.





Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend

Great for any current Resolve Colorist with at least 1 years experience or previous students who have completed either the ICA Basic or Advanced classes.



All students on this course receive an ICA Virtual Certificate.

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