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Gear Up: Advances in High-Speed Image Capture
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Gear Up: Advances in High-Speed Image Capture

Join us on August 27, along with the Digital Cinema Society, for a special evening Gear Up event dedicated to high-speed imaging and lighting technology, including the full Phantom lineup.


Join us for our special Gear Up: Advances in High-Speed Image Capture in partnership with Digital Cinema Society in Chicago!

On August 27, we're inviting you to a special evening event dedicated to high-speed imaging and lighting technology, including the full Phantom lineup and the new Phantom Onyx. Proper lighting is very important when shooting high-speed, so some of the latest flicker-free lighting fixtures will be on display in our showroom. Attendees are encouraged to go hands-on with all the gear and get their questions answered by AbelCine tech specialists. Snacks and refreshments will be served. 

Additionally, the event will feature a presentation by Digital Cinema Society founder James Mathers, with tips and techniques on how to avoid flicker when shooting at high frame rates, followed by a special panel with guest filmmakers talking about their practical experiences shooting high-speed.



Gary Adcock is a technology-driven synergist in acquisition, editing and delivery of the advanced workflows required for Media and Entertainment. A Technologist in defense and manufacturing, as well as an established Producer, Director and Cinematographer. Gary offers developmental insights into all aspects of our continually changing Pre-production, Post and Production marketplace while focusing on advancing cinema product development, international branding and market penetration in Media and Entertainment. You can follow Gary on Twitter and Instagram or his blog, garyadcock.com.

Jackie Avellar currently works as an Art Director of Motion / Visual Superviser for The Marketing Store. She helps with production, specifically for motion shoots, and makes sure the shots are brought into post production and finished correctly. Her true passion lies with animation, editing, and photography.

Dan Friedman is an Emmy-winning Director of Photography and owner of DSF Productions. He has shot for NFL Films and NBA Entertainment since the 90s, both live games during the season and various other programming during the off-season. To learn more about Dan's work visit his Linkedin profile


Ross Greenblat is a Senior Integrated Producer at We Are Unlimited in Chicago, Illinois. He has led projects across multiple platforms, including print, social, digital and motion. During his time as an agency producer, he has produced work for McDonald’s, Purina, Travelocity, Sealy, and other brands. He’s been the lead producer for McDonald’s food motion shoots for the past 4 years and has worked with the creative teams and clients to evolve how the brand showcases its food. Projects that he has produced have won multiple awards at Cannes, Clios, D&AD and Addy Awards.


Community Sponsor

Digital Cinema Society

The Digital Cinema Society is a nonprofit educational cooperative dedicated to the industry's informed integration of new technology. Formed in 2003, as an outgrowth of a pro bono documentary on the subject of Digital Cinema, it now has an international membership of approximately 6,500 and count some of the top filmmaking, technology, and business leaders in the Entertainment Industry among their membership.

The Society’s purpose is not to advocate for digital technology, but to objectively examine all media, solutions, services, and technologies without favoring any one brand, service, or format over another. Membership benefits include a monthly eNewsletter, admission to regularly scheduled educational presentations, and access to a members site with streaming coverage of past events, and news of the latest developments in the field of Digital Cinema.

Learn more at www.digitalcinemasociety.org


Parking Info

Guests are requested to park in the lots at 16th & Western Ave or 17th & Western Ave. Click here for a map of the area. If you have more specific questions about parking, please call us directly at 877-880-4267.
Please also be prepared to show your Eventbrite ticket to security when entering the Cinespace campus.  


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