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Header image for article NAB 2015: Sony FS7 & Monitor Updates

NAB 2015: Sony FS7 & Monitor Updates

Today I met with Juan Martinez, the Senior Product Manager at Sony, to check out the new Sony FS7 with Version 2.0 Firmware that launched just before NAB.

The new firmware has three important new features: 4-channel audio input and support for ProRes 422 HQ and ProRes 422. I also got a sneak peak of the 3.0 Firmware updates that will implement 2K center crop to enable the use of Super 16mm lenses directly and 2/3 lenses with a low loss adapter. I also got a look at the X300 Monitor, Sony's 4K OLED display which has an HDR mode, and enables you to take the output of a camera in S Log and display it properly, giving you massive range. Watch the full video to see more about the Sony FS7 with Version 2.0 Firmware and the X300 Monitor.

Andy Shipsides


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Tutorials & Guides
Sony's enormously flexible PXW-FS7 has been shipping for about eight months now and is very well received at many different levels of the market. With its two shooting modes -- Custom and CINE-EI -- this camera is well suited to a wide variety of productions and applications.
Intro image for article At the Bench: Importing LUTs into Sony FS7
Tutorials & Guides
In a previous blog, Andy showed us how to create LUTs using Sony's RAW Viewer software and then import them into the Sony F5 & F55. You can use the same workflow in Sony RAW Viewer to create and import LUTs to the FS7 -- but what about when you want to use a LUT that was not created by Sony software?
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Client Profiles
The Knicks may not be having their most winning season this year, but the video being created by Tom puts the team at the top of the league. Tom shoots court-side play, where following quick action is an obvious necessity. A couple of years ago, AbelCine helped him put together a custom solution for his small DSLR with a shoulder rig and follow focus system. This year, Tom wanted to step up his game with a higher-end solution for greater quality and flexibility.