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Header image for article Sony a7S Scene Files from AbelCine

Sony a7S Scene Files from AbelCine


The Sony a7S has proven to be extremely popular, and we have had a lot of requests for some of our custom scene files. So, we've put together four files in our usual flavors for you to try out.

As there isn't much adjustment in the camera, we did our best to make files that matched our popular looks. These files are designed both to change the camera's look and make matching the FS7 and other cameras easier. Our goal with these files is to create nice skin tones, match our original files, and give a nice overall look.

As scene files cannot be loaded directly into the camera, we have provided the parameters for each look.



jr45cine-pp1 JR45Cine is a match to our original custom look for the VariCam and is designed to give you pleasing colors and good dynamic range. We used Cine 1 gamma for a nice amount of range, but this profile is not so flat that you need a lot of post correction. In a bright, high contrast scene, you may choose to go with S-Log2 for more range in the highlights. Here are the settings:

Gamma: Cine 1
Color Mode:
Still Saturation: -2
Color Depth: R: +2 , C: -4



jr45vide-pp2 JR45Video is also a match to one of our original VariCam looks. It is designed to give you nice colors and a good amount of contrast. We used Cine 3 gamma as a starting place, which provides a nice fall-off in the highlights, but with enough contrast so that it doesn't require much post correction. Cine 4 could also work well here for even more contrast. Here are the settings:

Gamma: Cine 3
Color Mode: Movie
Saturation: -1
Color Phase: +1
Color Depth: G: +2 , Y: +4



abnorm-pp3 This is our AbelCine Normal look, which is also available for various other cameras. It is a colorful look with pleasing skin tone reproduction and plenty of contrast. With this look, we used Cine 1 for a good amount of range, but if you like it, then also try it with Cine 3 or 4 for more contrast. Here are the settings:

Gamma: Cine 1
Color Mode: Movie
Saturation: +1
Color Depth: R: +2



abhighsat-pp4 This is our AbelCine High Saturation look. As the name implies, it has plenty of color saturation. We used Cine 1 to match our other files, but you could use Cine 3 or 4 for more contrast. If you like the look and just want to take down the colors a bit, you can do that easily by adjusting the saturation. Here are the settings:

Gamma: Cine 1
Color Mode: ITU709
Matrix Saturation: +2
Color Depth: R: +3

If you're interested in learning even more about the Sony a7S, stay tuned for our next a7S workshop in New York!

Ian McCausland
Technology Specialist, AbelCine LA


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