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Cine Gear Expo 2023
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Cine Gear Expo 2023

Cine Gear Expo is the premier annual event for professionals engaged in the technology, entertainment and media industry.


The AbelCine team will be at Cine Gear Expo LA 2023 – June 1-4 back at the Studios at Paramount. Online registration is now open, so get your free tickets now! Make sure to visit us at booth S1516 (Stage 15) and get more info on our official activities: 

Thursday, June 1

Small-to-No-Crew: Cinematic Lighting Workshop with Jem Schoefield - 9:30am @ AbelCine LA

In this one-day, hands-on workshop Jem Schofield of theC47 will take attendees through how to light for documentary, in-house and corporate based projects.


Friday, June 2

Cine Gear Expo Booth S1516 - 12pm-8pm @ Paramount Studios

Visit our booth inside Stage 15 to see newest gear from ARRI, Fujinon, Sony, RED, TRIBE7, Motion Impossible, and more! See the full Cine Gear Expo Schedule here

ARRI Fresh Perspectives in Cinematography Grant Q&A Panel - 5:45pm-7:45pm @ Sherry Lansing Theater

This event will be a chance to meet the three exceptional young cinematographers who received the ARRI Fresh Perspectives in Cinematography Grant, presented in partnership with AbelCine and the ASC Vision Mentorship Program. Through a screening of selected footage from their projects and a panel discussion, we will celebrate their work during Cine Gear Expo LA. Learn how the grant enabled them to use the highest quality equipment to create new art and evolve as creatives through the process. Find out more about the three finalists: Jesse Aragon, Siwei Li, and Junior Pereira.


Saturday, June 3

Cine Gear Expo Booth S1516 - 10am-5pm @ Paramount Studios

Visit our booth inside Stage 15 to see newest gear from ARRI, Fujinon, Sony, RED, TRIBE7, Motion Impossible, and more! See the full Cine Gear Expo Schedule here


Sunday, June 4

Cine Gear Master Class Lighting Workshop - 1:45pm @ AbelCine LA

Every year Cine Gear offers a lighting masterclass taught by ASC cinematographers and other industry experts. Separate tickets must be purchased for the Master Class.



About Cine Gear 

Since 1996, Cine Gear Expo has grown to become the premier event for the technology, entertainment, and media industry. The Hollywood community is stretched out far and wide across the world and Cine Gear Expo reunions bring us together in a proud alliance of moving image professionals.

Unique in concept, Cine Gear Expo offers artists and technicians the opportunity to discover state-of-the-art technology and techniques including content capture hardware, workflow software, support equipment, and the latest production services. Invitees get hands-on training, gain knowledge from world technology leaders, and network with peers all within a professional environment. For more information, visit www.cinegearexpo.com.





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