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Conscious Lighting Master Class
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Conscious Lighting Master Class

Antonio Riestra, ASC, AČK, AEC will discuss his approach to developing a relationship with light and shadow. Through this 5-day class, filmmakers will learn to translate this into storytelling.


Have you ever thought about your relationship with light? We all have a relationship with the light around us, either conscious or unconscious. Light affects everything around us and our daily life is subject to its conditions. We live light and light creates shadows, and the combination is what we use to describe the world we see.

As filmmakers, architects, doctors, engineers, nurses, scientists, and any other person in any walk of life, we instinctively relate to light and are affected by it.
When we wake up in the morning our eyes adjust from our dreams to our living reality and this is subject to the lighting conditions, to the “atmosphere” in which we are, the position of our windows, the time of day in which we wake up, and more. Then, throughout the day we continue to be affected and driven by light. Even during the night, the way exteriors and interiors are lit can affect our perceptions. 

With this all in perspective, it’s of utmost importance that we become aware and cultivate this relationship with light the way we would with any other meaningful relationship in our lives.

The main concept of “Conscious Lighting” is to become aware and further develop how we relate and react to light and shadows, mainly so as filmmakers we can translate this into storytelling.

Antonio Riestra, ASC: Conscious Lighting Master Class


Virtual workshop days:

Day 1 - At home exercise to be distributed one week prior 

Day 2 - Thursday, December 1, 1pm ET (virtual via Zoom)

  • You will be provided at-home exercises to complete, followed by a Zoom meeting with Antonio on Thursday December 1 at 1pm ET to review and cover any pre-workshop goals

In-Person workshop days:

Day 3 - Monday, December 5 

  • Getting ready for the group session
  • 5 -10 minute guided meditation
  • Introduction of participants
  • Group discussion and analysis of the exercise
  • Choose 5 exercises and assign 5 groups to film the exercises
  • Scouting

Day 4 - Tuesday, December 6

  • Tech scout - pre light - rehearse - define workflow and shot list

Day 5 - Wednesday, December 7

  • Main shooting day

Day 6 - Thursday, December 8

  • Editing - Post production - grading

Day 7 - Friday, December 9

  • Review exercises - Q & A - closing




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Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend

Cinematographers, photographers, architects, lighting designers and anyone interested in shaping light

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