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Color Design Masterclass with Kevin Shaw of the ICA
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Color Design Masterclass with Kevin Shaw of the ICA

The workshop will begin with a look at color harmonies and balance, and then apply these ideas to color grading through practical examples and experiments.


AbelCine has partnered with the International Colorist Academy (ICA) to offer this advanced color design workshop aimed at anyone involved in designing the look and style of a project. We look at color harmonies and balance and then apply the ideas to color grading. We focus on the principal elements of an image that clients of commercials, television and feature films all relate to; techniques cover skin, sky, products, mood and time of day as well as topics raised by the attendees. The goal is to manage these elements effectively and efficiently whilst maintaining the integrity of the project concepts and a color schema. This workshop is an ideal follow up to intermediate workshops taught by the ICA, but is open to anyone with competent grading skills.

The workshop begins with a presentation of color harmonies and analysis. It then quickly moves into practical examples and experiments. Each participant can approach the course with their own ideas and objectives, and everyone is encouraged to bring their own media to use in addition to the course media. There will be a full demo system with panels in the class, but participants are welcome to bring in their own laptop systems to work with. This class applies to all color grading systems.


  • Color contrast and color juxtaposition
  • Popular looks review
  • Color design in grading looks
  • Color design for image elements
  • Skin techniques and digital make-up
  • Sky and how to use it for balance or effect
  • Time of day effects
  • Interiors and exteriors; color design with locations
  • Happy accidents!

NOTE: This class is recognized by the Motion Picture Editors Guild and their members are eligible to get two thirds of cost of the class reimbursed through Contract Services. More information at www.csatf.org. You must apply to them and be pre-approved in order to qualify for reimbursement.

About ICA: The International Colorist Academy (ICA) was established in 2009 to provide “training for Colorists by Colorists”. They conduct small group workshops around the world where instructors share their firsthand knowledge of the skills needed to master Color Grading. icolorist.com



Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend

This workshop is suitable for experienced colorists and is an ideal follow up to intermediate workshops taught by the ICA, but is open to anyone with competent grading skills.



All students in this course receive an ICA certificate of completion.

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